Assessing and mitigating privacy risks of sparse, noisy genotypes by local alignment to haplotype databases.
PS Emani, MN Geradi, G Gursoy, MR Grasty, A Miranker, MB Gerstein (2023). Genome Res 33: 2156-2173.

Storing and analyzing a genome on a blockchain.
G Gursoy, CM Brannon, E Ni, S Wagner, A Khanna, M Gerstein (2022). Genome Biol 23: 134.

Privacy-preserving genotype imputation with fully homomorphic encryption.
G Gursoy, E Chielle, CM Brannon, M Maniatakos, M Gerstein (2021). Cell Syst 13: 173-182e3.

Recovering genotypes and phenotypes using allele-specific genes.
G Gursoy, N Lu, S Wagner, M Gerstein (2021). Genome Biol 22: 263.

Data Sanitization to Reduce Private Information Leakage from Functional Genomics.
G Gursoy, P Emani, CM Brannon, OA Jolanki, A Harmanci, JS Strattan, JM Cherry, AD Miranker, M Gerstein (2020). Cell 183: 905-917e16.

FANCY: fast estimation of privacy risk in functional genomics data.
G Gursoy, CM Brannon, FCP Navarro, M Gerstein (2020). Bioinformatics 36: 5145-5150.

Using Ethereum blockchain to store and query pharmacogenomics data via smart contracts.
G Gursoy, CM Brannon, M Gerstein (2020). BMC Med Genomics 13: 74.

Analysis of sensitive information leakage in functional genomics signal profiles through genomic deletions.
A Harmanci, M Gerstein (2018). Nat Commun 9: 2453.

Quantification of private information leakage from phenotype-genotype data: linking attacks
A Harmanci, M Gerstein (2016). Nat Methods 13: 251-6.

RSEQtools: a modular framework to analyze RNA-Seq data using compact, anonymized data summaries.
L Habegger, A Sboner, TA Gianoulis, J Rozowsky, A Agarwal, M Snyder, M Gerstein (2011). Bioinformatics 27: 281-3.

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