L Habegger, A Sboner, TA Gianoulis, J Rozowsky, A Agarwal, M Snyder, M Gerstein (2011). Bioinformatics 27: 281-3.
Authors L Habegger, A Sboner, TA Gianoulis, J Rozowsky, A Agarwal, M Snyder, M Gerstein Journal Bioinformatics PMID 21134889 Pages 281-3 Volume 27 Year 2011 labcite L Habegger, A Sboner, TA Gianoulis, J Rozowsky, A Agarwal, M Snyder, M Gerstein (2011). Bioinformatics 27: 281-3. labid rseqtools labtitle RSEQtools: a modular framework to analyze RNA-Seq data using compact, anonymized data summaries. subject resources, rnaseq, ngtools, encode-nc, privacy, otherencodepapers, almostbest, informatics-research-article, intro-to-lab, coretools, privacy-tools funding cegs website link preprint image
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